Monday, November 14, 2016

Digital Marketing Skills Training

Last October 23, 2016 the digital marketing skills training was successfully done at Iligan Computer Institute, Iligan City. The program was hosted by Ms. Jeansen Lanticse and Mr. Kryss John Santilan. The program             was started by a prayer followed our national anthem and a welcome message by our adviser in Marketing 111 Prof. Richard S. Celeste.
The first speaker was Mr Junriel Bonachita, Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer RIS Philippines; he talked about basic programming one commerce site development and content management software.  He taught us how to make an e commerce site since we are actually making it for our subject. He shared many tips and techniques, next speaker with the line “pag may wifi, may hanapbuhay”, Mr Ronald Ramboanga known for Miss Piper the founder and CEO of Knights Of Online Marketers who talked about how to start working as an online freelancer. Listening to all his experiences or the story behind their success is so inspiring. The KOM was started in small in a place that is small but at least they are comfortable and later on it becomes a big one when their clients are increasing. He provides work to his friends, how good his heart is. Not just for them but also in the community. I think this is one of the reasons why their business is successful. Next is the founder and CEO of RIS Philippines Mr. Johnny Paul H. Lagura who talked about digital opportunities through rural impact sourcing and he also share something inspiring about their company.
In the afternoon Mr Ronald Rambonga talked about the basics of social media marketing. He discussed all about Facebook and how to make a page on Facebook. The things we must do importantly and some techniques in posting our products online. Next is Miss Xerxes Queen Apostol Libre an enterprise owner, Dexter Print House who talked about Graphics Designing. Honestly this topic is difficult but Ms .Xerxes tries her best to make it simple to us. This is interesting, she shared the different uses of Photoshop and how to lay out a tarpaulin. Last speaker is Mr. Francis Steve Martinez enterprise owner Tibo Martinez videography who talked about the tips and tricks on creating awesome videos. And I learned and discovered that making or working this one is not that easy and I really find it difficult but interesting because if you are master in this kind of skills or talent then money is very easy to find.
The skills training were successfully done. It gives me more knowledge about social media because now a days you should be aware about social media it can helps you a lot and there is a big possibility that you will become rich because of social media.
“Be curious always! For knowledge will not acquire you: you must acquire it.” -Sudie Back   


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